2017年12月5日 星期二

Choosing your FortiGate's switch mode(選擇FortiGate的運作模式)

This section contains information to help you determine which internal switch mode your FortiGate should use, a decision that should be made before the FortiGate is installed


What is the internal switch mode?

internal switch模式是啥?(實體Port在運行時的模式,但由於意義不大,這名子之後的版本就被拿掉了,要進入CLI才能看得到這個名稱)

The internal switch mode determines how the FortiGate’s physical ports are managed by the FortiGate. The two main modes are Switch mode and Interface mode.
internal switch模式可判斷實體port是如何被FortiGate管理的,internal switch模式包含兩個項目,一項為Switch 模式,另一項為Interface模式。

What are Switch mode and Interface mode and why are they used?

Switch 模式跟Interface模式又是甚麼?幹嘛要用它們?

In Switch mode, all the internal interfaces are part of the same subnet and treated as a single interface, called either lan or internal by default, depending on the FortiGate model. Switch mode is used when the network layout is basic, with most users being on the same subnet.
Switch 模式:


In Interface mode, the physical interfaces of the FortiGate unit are handled individually, with each interface having its own IP address. Interfaces can also be combined by configuring them as part of either hardware or software switches, which allow multiple interfaces to be treated as a single interface. This mode is ideal for complex networks that use different subnets to compartmentalize the network traffic.

Which mode is your FortiGate in by default?


The default mode that a FortiGate starts in varies depending on the model. To determine which mode your FortiGate unit is in, go to System > Network > Interfaces. Locate the lan or internal interface. If the interface is listed as a Physical Interface in the Type column, then your FortiGate is in Switch mode. If the interface is a Hardware Switch, then your FortiGate is in Interface mode.

FortiGate的預設模式取決於型號,若要確認您手上的FortiGate產品目前的模式,先登入WEB管理介面,點選到系統(System) > 網路(Network) > 介面(Interfaces),點選到畫面中的Internal(也可能為lan),確認"類型(Type)的資訊,若此處顯示為Physical Interface,則您持有的FortiGate產品目前即為Switch模式,若此處顯示為Hardware Switch,則您持有的FortiGate產品目前即為Interface模式。

另一個相對的判斷方法則是看介面下的項目數量或名稱,60C本身有8個port,共為2個WAN,1個DMZ以及5個internal port,在預設情況下,剛登入網頁管理介面時,在介面(Interfaces)看到的項目會有4個,分別為wan1、wan2、dmz以及internal,在switch模式下,internal的5個port全部都包含在internal介面中,在Interface模式下,則會看到5個internal port出現在介面中,名稱分別是internal 1到internal 5。
Switch 模式

Interface 模式

How do you change the mode?


If you need to change the mode your FortiGate unit is in, first make sure none of the physical ports that make up the lan or internal interface are referenced in the FortiGate configuration (for example, in a policy or DHCP server). If you FortiGate model has a Switch Controller, you may need to disable it before you can change the internal switch mode.

在internal點又鍵選取Change Mode
點選到Interface Mode


Go to System > Dashboard > Status and enter either of the following commands into the CLI Console:
另一個切換方法則是透過CLI 修改,若手上有Console線,可直接接上FortiGate設備進行操作,若無,亦可用預設程式操作:登入網頁管理介面 > 系統管理(System) > 儀錶板(Dashbord) > 狀態(Statue) > 命令列控制台(CLI Console)
  1. Command to change the FortiGate to switch mode:切換到Switch模式的指令:
    config system global
         set internal-switch-mode switch
  2. Command to change the FortiGate to interface mode:切換到Interface模式的指令:
    config system global
         set internal-switch-mode interface

